Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 (デジモンアドベンチャーVテイマー01, Dejimon Adobenchā V-Teimā 01?) was the first and longest-running Digimon manga, printed in the pages of V-Jump magazine. Starting on November 21, 1998, it ran to fifty-eight chapters and ended on August 21, 2003. This manga introduces the character of Taichi Yagami, an alternate Taichi to the one that features in the Digimon Adventure TV series. In this universe, Taichi is involved in a V-Pet tournament, where he is told he cannot play because the Digimon in his V-Pet isn't recognized as being a real Digimon. However, after the tournament is over, Taichi plays the winner of the tournament, a boy named Neo Saiba, and their battle ends in a tie - something that is supposed to be impossible. Later, Taichi is summoned to the Digital World by a digimon called Lord HolyAngemon, and there he meets the mysterious Digimon in his V-Pet, Zeromaru the Veedramon. read more